How to maintain the water filter cartridge?

Water filter maintenance chiefly contributes to the proper functioning and efficacy of the majority of water filter methods. Understanding the importance of proper maintenance and carrying out the maintenance instructions which have your filter system is crucial for constantly using filtered water of the superior kind. Much of the water filter maintenance related jobs focus on the maintenance of water filter cartridges, which would be the single most important component of your water filter. Knowing how to maintain water filter cartridges will translate into greater efficacy and filtered water of greater quality.

Whatever the situation, you should consult with the user guide you received with the filter.

Reverse Osmosis System

Do you have a reverse osmosis (RO) system in your home? You're in luck -- we inventory replacement filters for all types of Puretec filtration methods in our online store. RO systems have a lifetime of 1-3 years and include a 3-year platinum protection warranty from the manufacturer. For more information regarding this warranty, take a look at the Puretec site.

RO techniques use an ultra-fine membrane to filter the water. Membrane systems are highly effective and remove 98% off These substances:








chloride and chlorine

If you purchase a new RO system out of our store, you'll get the membrane and capsules included in your installation kit. Should you need water cartridge replacement filters, then take a look at our range now and have the filter you need delivered right to your door.

Changing filters regularly

The capacity of filter cartridges to remove contaminants decrease over time, and this explains why you absolutely must replace them at the periods indicated by the manufacturer. Generally, filter cartridges will last for up to 6 months, but you may need to replace them sooner if you realize your filtered water acquires a strange taste, smells awful, it is not clear , or you observe a drop in water flow rates. These are a few of the signs that you need to replace your water filter capsules, and these can appear before the recommended replacement period.

Multi-stage water filter cartridges have distinct replacement intervals

Multi-stage water filters like reverse osmosis systems may contain 4 to 5 pre and post filters, each with distinct replacement due dates. These pose some maintenance challenges in the feeling that you need to make sure that you don't forget to replace the filters in the necessary intervals. You can set up recurring reminders on your telephone or you'll be able to rely on your own filter cartridge supplier to send you email notifications each time a filter replacement date is coming.

Water filter maintenance is neither a difficult nor a time-consuming activity, but its importance cannot be overstated, so make sure to pay attention to maintaining your water filter.


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