Water treatment equipment test method

Water treatment equipment test method

(1) Test substance.

The test substance should be dissolved or suspended in a suitable medium. It is recommended that water be the first choice, followed by vegetable oil (such as corn oil), and again consider using other mediums (such as carboxymethyl cellulose, gelatin, starch, etc.). For non-aqueous media, its toxicological characteristics should be understood, and whether its toxicity should be determined before the test. The maximum volume of the liquid for oral administration depends on the size of the experimental animal. The liquid dose given to rodents is generally 1~2ml/100g. By adjusting the concentration of the test substance solution, the oral dose of each dose group was consistent.

(2) Experimental animals and breeding environment.

Healthy adult mice or rats are preferred, and other sensitive animals can also be used. The small pickup weighs 18~22g, and the rat body~220go animal should be built in the laboratory animal room environment for at least 3d before the test. Number of animals The room temperature and relative complies with the national standard of measurement certification animal room.


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